Hey all I'm back with another inconsistent blog entry! I wanna tell you guys a lot but first lemme show you a screenshot:
I haven't shown this around too much yet, but this is part of the new UI coming to ME-OS (Wishlist on Steam here)! We've been working a lot since last update (since July, man...) and one of the biggest pre-demo things we wanted to work on was new and improved UI. Me and @spicycoffee worked really hard on making this UI functional, she was doing all the art and I was doing the implementation, and there's still some more left to go before the update. However things feel so much more accessible now in so many new ways, I think you guys will love it! There has been much more that has happened since for ME-OS, a lot of it I can't show, but maybe I can quickly show a small thing here:
Hopefully this gif isn't too crusty (I had to downscale very hard lol) but there is a lot more feedback for collecting and using powerups (visual effects and sounds), but also much cleaner and better moving platform parenting! This was very important for game feel, as I want to make sure it feels natural and nice controlling the ball. I had to code a lot of my own physics outside of Unity's physics engine for this as their stuff was working very poorly for me, and I wanted stuff like relative velocity after jumping, on platform, etc.. This is great and will be right on time for the demo! One more quick thing I wanted to show before moving on to demo and other talk...
Jump Wars finally has a proper results screen! I made the UI for this and it might be temporary haha, but the game desperately needed this improvement instead of just fading back to the menu.
Demo Stuff
In reality there's so much more, and you'll all get to see it when I publish the changelog. But what's better, is that I'm really really hoping that late April you will finally get to actually try some of this stuff out with a public demo on Steam! Due to a lot of struggles and delays (I will explain further in the blog) I can't 100% confirm the April deadline, but worst case I will release it in June (I will be gone for a large part of May). The demo will be preceded with another ME-OS LIVE presentation too, for a quick rundown of all the new things added! With a bunch of hard work and luck, and if the demo has a good run, maybe it'll finally be time for a Kickstarter in the summer or fall? Let's find out! I'll keep you all posted :D
Music Stuff
Quick update on music stuff! I haven't been dead, just working on all the prior mentioned ME-OS things as well as a ton of other stuff I'll explain later. This weekend, I'll be releasing 3 finished remixes of Majora's Mask songs, one of which you can already hear here!
I'm also sitting on 5 original songs (all for @spicycoffee's new animation coming sometime soon!), have one remix to do before May, have 3 more original songs to do before April... it's a lot of work! But with time it will all release probably before end of June. Just stay tuned, I have a lot of exciting things!
Other Stuff
I wanna take a quick sec to once again thank everyone who reads all this stuff lol. I know it's a lot, so it's super appreciated. I also wanna thank everyone who has ever interacted with my stuff, I really love reading your reviews here and knowing that people see and hear what I make!
I feel a little bad that last time I said I wanted to do more reviews and interact more with everyone here but then became even busier and disappeared for such a long time. This morning I had the opportunity to listen to some music and give some reviews, and I really enjoyed that! I really hope to get more opportunities like this even with my packed every day life stuff. Let's hope :)
The reason for a lot of my delays and lack of activity (besides just being super busy) is a lot of not so nice things happened at once, which was just hard to juggle and deal with. Stuff that affects health and or the wellbeing of family and friends always hits the hardest, and amongst those things there were other not nice things that piled on all of a sudden. While it makes me sad, I try to never lose hope and I work through all of the problems to get them out of the way, and help others close to me work through this stuff too. Bad stuff never lasts forever anyways! While I feel bad this also delayed stuff like ME-OS, I'm still determined to work as much as I can every day to reach my goals and all of you guys too haha. Everything will be okay and awesome!
For the next few weeks I have a plan for every day in terms of what I have to work on, to hopefully be able to do all my plans before I leave for a small vacation in May. Just stay tuned and I'll make sure to let you guys know as soon as there's something!
Thank you once again for reading this far, I hope you found something interesting :)
Talk to you guys hopefully very soon!
- MG
Results screen looks good.
Thank you very much!