I am a multimedia developer making music, games, and art! I founded MGFlow58. At the moment I am working on ME-OS and Guppy's Quest. I read my DM's very often so if you have any questions feel free to send!
I speak English and Russian Fluently

Michael @octopus58


Canada (GTA)/Israel

Joined on 1/9/12

Exp Points:
5,731 / 5,880
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Vote Power:
6.50 votes
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Art Scouts
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B/P Bonus:
7y 5m 1d

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First and foremost make sure to check out our Steam page! Making one was long overdue, so I'm really glad it's finally here. Wishlist if you are interested too, as it really really helps! I'll talk more about it further in this post, but let me show you guys some cool stuff I've been working on for now:

(I hate vertical/square content but it gets seen more on YouTube so oh well lol)

For the past week or two, I've been porting over a ton of old content from the "classic" Java Guppy's Quest to SP Struct! It's something a lot of people said they would like to see, so I couldn't pass the opportunity to add this stuff. A ton of old players, enemies, backgrounds, entities, and HUD were added from the Java version, even including unused enemies and backgrounds! It was really fun to add that stuff as it was really nostalgic, and hey maybe even some of you remember that stuff! One thing about the HUD, you may notice that when you play as the "old" characters, it completely changes as that's how it looked in the new game. While when you play with the new character (only Guppy at the moment in the beginning of the video), the HUD is much smaller and cleaner.

I also improved character code a lot as well such as enemy movement/wall/edge detection code, and added a lot of other things that were overdue. This includes volume controls, auto music changing on selection in the song picker, and a pause screen for play mode.

I also did a ton of Jump Wars stuff! But unfortunately I can't really say what it is just yet, I like to keep that stuff a surprise... so instead check out this little montage I did of different character compatibilities on the PreOS stage!

As for the Steam page, it looks so nice now that it's finally here...


I wanted to create one for a while, but wasn't sure when was the right time. Then I found out I was very wrong for delaying it because the earlier it exists the better, so I made sure to finish up the remaining work and put it up. Hopefully once enough wishlists happen, and once the demo gets decent attention when its out, we can do a Kickstarter! We have some massive plans for it, including some really awesome rewards that we think people will love. So lets see how that goes as time goes by!

As for other stuff...

I've been crazy busy doing all kinds of things the past two weeks. It's been driving me nuts! I can't even tell if this post is messy/all over the place or I'm overthinking it haha. I've been playing a bit with paid advertising on sites such as Instagram and Twitter, and it has been a really big emotional turmoil thing. I kinda suck at managing with excitement I guess but I'm trying to work on it as much as I can. I also want to make more frequent posts like these, showing off what I've been working on, but I feel like making videos and then posting everywhere is super exhausting. But hey, I said I wanted to get better at doing marketing stuff, so it's something!

Emily just got really busy again with a lot of other stuff, so I have to prioritize tasks that require less 2D art. But that's fine, as I still want to see if I can do some stuff on Gon Ball Rally (the marble racing game in ME-OS), Keyccordion Dawn (the rhythm game), and definitely music. I have a feeling that late September/October I'll be releasing quite a few new songs!

Anyways to end this long post, I'd like to thank you all again for reading up to this point. I really really really really appreciate it! I'm really happy that we don't feel alone on this journey and that we have amazing friends and supporters around us all the time that help keep us going. I'll try to update you all again soon, but for now I'm gonna go and try to vote on some songs here on NG!

Thank you!

- MG

P.S. Fun fact I was debating on if I should make that SP Struct video for a week, but when writing this post I thought I should make it so I had to rush and make it within an hour lol


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Available for Work

Open for music remixing/covering and voice acting commissions!

Hey everyone!

I figured I'd let you all know that I'm up for remix and cover commissions! What do I mean? Well, if you provide me with even a short loop or some small melodies you made, I can make it into full on arrangements/remixes/covers based on your description! Here are a few of my best works done by giving me some short loop to go from:

1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXZbXrIgwe8

2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yv3Jr19tvJ0

Here are also some examples of my general work (including remixes):

1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkaIWsxKNDY

2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWC2aXumtZM

3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-IBvyX7Kzg

4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax9OTEQhfYU

5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrPLfv9wdig

Let me know by PM if you would like to have anything remixed, we can talk out the pricing and details :)

Also, I would love to do voice acting (I have an SM57 microphone if that matters) so if you'd like I'd be willing to discuss doing a VA job for potentially free!


- MG


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Latest Shared Creations


Added to skins for Skincraft Feb 2, 2014.