no he did not visit their store
no he did not visit their store
Girls suk Boyz rool
ur balls look mighty kickable rn
this song has the s word so I can't listen
lmao chicken shit
sol jump to make elevator stuck except he does it on planet and planet gets stuck
vrrr vrrrrrrr neeooo
(cal wind powre)
bel likes to drown little animals i read it in a book
i wonder what would happen if cal pulled toadies head and legs apart very hard
Not kanon
in my headcanon dr eggman is not evil and toon link is evil
This picture makes me sad because it has no blue sky or green grass :(
I am a multimedia developer making music, games, and art! I founded MGFlow58. At the moment I am working on ME-OS and Guppy's Quest. I read my DM's very often so if you have any questions feel free to send!
I speak English and Russian Fluently
Canada (GTA)/Israel
Joined on 1/9/12