I am a multimedia developer making music, games, and art! I founded MGFlow58. At the moment I am working on ME-OS and Guppy's Quest. I read my DM's very often so if you have any questions feel free to send!
I speak English and Russian Fluently

Michael @octopus58


Canada (GTA)/Israel

Joined on 1/9/12

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Big update to our game, ME-OS! New characters, new games, demo sometime soon? + other stuff

Posted by octopus58 - July 27th, 2024

It's finally here, ME-OS LIVE 3 shows off the new 0.0.57 update for our game!

We (me and @spicycoffee) were working really hard since October to release this update, pretty much most of my free time at least! We're really dedicated to getting more people to see what we got so far before we start stuff like crowdfunding, and hopefully the demo we announced towards the end of the presentation (hoping to release one with next update) will help with that! I already said a lot about this update as a sneak peak in my previous post (check it out if you haven't btw it has a lot of gifs too), but now I can happily share more! To avoid being repetitive I'll just show the new stuff from the presentation video :D

Let's start with the Keyccordion Dawn update... we have added SIX new songs! This is the most amount of songs we've added in any update so far (and believe me we wanted to add even more...) and a lot of them are guest songs! 3 of them are also by the awesome Newgrounds composer @F-777 (thank you so much!). Here's a quick skim over the songs we have so far in the game:


(sorry for the crappy gif quality but) as you can see, we have 18 songs in total now! And we wanna add so much more than 18 too! We've also been working a lot on visuals for certain levels, which allowed me to do cool stuff like this:


I'm honestly very happy how the butterflies turned out still, I worked pretty hard on making them look nice! The other songs have really cool visuals too but I don't wanna block up the whole post with just Keyccordion stuff, so check out the video I linked at the beginning of this post for more :)

Now onto Jump Wars, the ME-OS platform fighter. We added TWELVE new characters and a new stage! We seem to keep doubling the amount of characters we've been adding for the past 3 updates... oops haha. The new update includes a lot of original characters, and some guests including Root, Digby and Floyd by @jerbjpg ! I discovered this amazing show through Newgrounds, and ever since I've been in love with it. Me and Emily still quote funny stuff from there to this day whenever we talk about random stuff lol. I don't want to block up the post with gifs again, so if you want to see the Jump Wars updates only, check out the trailer we released here!

Jump Wars definitely got a bunch of content, but for now we're gonna jump on to the next exciting thing to show off...

We added a lot of new desktop windowed apps! This includes the minesweeper clone Weshrel Sweep and the weird MandelbrotEX fractal explorer! Here are the two in action:



(last one I had to make the size really small because otherwise the gif would be too big lol)

Both of these have much more footage in the video presentation if you wanna see more :)

Besides this, as I said a lot of stuff new to this update was shown off in the previous post too. And more excitingly, we will be hopefully releasing a demo with the next update that comes out! So if you wanna find out more about the game, you can check out the website, the wiki page, or better yet join the ME-OS Discord! We always post new stuff there and just have a pretty chill community, and if you wanna suggest things its best to do it there too! Plus you'll always be the first to know what the new developments to the game are. So come join :D

Also if you like this game, please show it to your friends! We could use all the help we can get right now to really get this game out there, and it really helps motivate us knowing that there are people waiting for it to come out :)

Now on to the other stuff...

Here comes the part where I tell you guys that I've been super busy again... but I will still keep trying my best to appear on NG more often and do things I like to do! I really miss rating music like I usually would, because I'd often find a lot of great musicians that way and I also like to make people feel nice by telling them how good of a job they did haha. Also I had a jam idea I wanted to do a few months back but it ultimately fell through, as I didn't have enough time to unfortunately dedicate to it. I still want to do it though, so as soon as I get the opportunity to properly organize it, I will! I'm not sure I have much else to say right now though, my brain is kind of all over the place because I know I have to do a gajillion other things today. But you made it to the end of the blog again! I really appreciate anyone who reads these things, it means a lot. I really put a ton of effort into this game and other stuff I do, so having someone see the progress makes me feel very nice, especially considering how hard it feels to get something out there for others to see haha

As always, thank you very much for reading, and I'll see you in the next blog post!

- MG




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